At anyone time, a number of studies are usually ongoing in the area of psychosis.
Each will have slightly different criteria for being included as a research volunteer. Please click on the links below for further information about studies of psychosis that are currently recruiting.
PSYcHE Project – Improving Psychosocial Supports in Youth Mental Health
- Aged 16-35
- Within the first five years of a diagnosed psychotic illness
- Currently attending the early intervention in psychosis services
- Community-based and clinically stable
Cognitive Remediation & Social Recovery in Early Psychosis
- Aged 16- 35
- Have a history of psychosis: within the first five years of a diagnosed psychotic illness (based on time since first contact with services for a psychotic episode)
- Community-based & clinically stable
- Based in Galway & surrounding area
- Aged 18-65
- Diagnosis of schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder
- No current substance misuse (within the last month)
CHRM2 in Bipolar Disorder
- Aged 18-65
- Diagnosed with bipolar disorder
- Otherwise medically healthy
Enlighten Early Study
- Aged 18- 39
- Very recent onset of schizophrenia, schizophreniform disorder or bipolar disorder I
- Treated with less than 14 days of olanzapine or less than 16 weeks of antipsychotics (cumulative; lifetime)